Transimission Electron Microscopes

JEOL GrandARM 300

Double Cs-correction (TEM and STEM) with 6 mm pole piece.
Powerful Detectors: JEOL DPC detector, JEOL double EDS detector, JEOL STEM detector, Gatan K2-IS, Gatan OneView-IS, Gatan GIF Quantum, Gatan Vulcan CL system, Gatan STEMx system for 4D-STEM
STEM HAADF: 63pm@300 kV, 105pm@200 kV, 136pm@80 kV
TEM: 0.08nm@300 kV, 0.09nm@200kV, 0.13nm@80kV
EELS: ≤0.35eV (300kV);≤0.32ev(80kV)
EDS: AccV=300kV、CPS= 5,000cps(133ev(Mn Kα))
Special Functions:
STEM ABF, STEM-EELS/EDS/CL mapping, ultrafast framerate (K2-IS), 4D-STEM, and homemade in situ holders (optical, electrical, thermal, force and liquid cells, etc.)


Equiped with EELS and EDS detectors, Gatan Enfina1000 camera
Point Resolution: 0.19 nm
Line Resolution: 0.14 nm
EELS resolution: 0.7 eV
Special Functions:
Equiped with homemade STM-TEM system for in situ electrical, optical and opto-electrical conversion experiments.

in situ EM Platform

in situ Systems Overview

Homemade in situ holders: optical, electrical, thermal, force and liquid cells, etc.

The in situ optical measurement system is highlighted as following:

Princeton Instruments HRS-300 Optical system

For detection of non-linear optical and fluorescence signals,
Capable of fs time resolution detection using single-photon counting technology.
Focus:300 mm; Detection range:400~1700 nm; Gratings:100 g/mm; 300 g/mm; 1200 g/mm; Quantum yield:>85%(400~1700 nm); Temporal resolution:~10 ps

Coherent MIRA900HP fs Laser System

Output central wavelength:510~2400 nm; Repetition rate:9.6 kHz~76 MHz; Output Power: ~4 W(76 MHz,800 nm); Pulse duration: ~120 fs

Horiba LabRAM HR EVO Raman Spectrum

Focus:800 mm; Modes:325 nm;532 nm;633 nm;785 nm; Gratings:600 g/mm; 1800 g/mm; Detection range:200~1050 nm; Quantum Yield:12%(1000 nm)~58%(750 nm); Stepsize:0.5 μm

Optronics SC-10 Streak Camera

Focus:500 mm; Gratings:300 g/mm; 1200 g/mm; Detection range:200~950 nm; Temporal Resolution:~2 ps

TEM Sample Preparation

Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

Various functional oxide deposition with atomic level layer-by-layer controlled growth
Equiped with IPEX-864 KrF Laser System. Power: up to 4400 W, Frequency: up to 50 Hz.
Vacuum: 10-8 Pa

Sample Preparation Overview

Cross-section TEM samples
2D materials transfer
Focused Ion Beam (FIB), Gatan PIPS ion milling, etc.

Gatan PIPS II ion milling

Equiped with LN2 cold stage and optical camera
Room temperature or LN2 temperature ion milling.

Gatan 950 Plasma

Two TEM holders simultaneously
Includes three separate gap intaking: H2, O2, Ar.
Vaccuming time: less than 1 min.

ZepTools Vacuum Heating

Used for pre-baking samples before EM imaging
Vacuum: <5x10-5 Pa.
Baking Temperature: up to 1000 °C.
Vaccuming time: 10 min.

CVD Growth and Testing Instruments

Chemical Vapor Deposition

Our lab has equiped with 10 CVD growth systems
Multi-range temperature control and vacuum ranges.
These systems are used for various 2D materials growth and device fabrications.

Chemical Vapor Deposition II

High Vacuum: ~10-6 mBar
Multi-range temperature up to 1000 °C.

2D Materials Transfer Station

High precision 2D materials tranfer and 2D hetero-structure fabrication

Electrochemical Work Station

通用双恒电位仪,允许循环伏安法,线性扫描伏安法,阶梯波伏安法,计时安培法,差分脉冲伏安法,常规脉冲伏安法,方波伏安法,时 间-电流曲线等实验技术进行双工作电极的测量;除了允许第二工作电极的电位独立控制在恒定电位外, 还允许第二工作电极的电位与第一工作电极同步扫描或阶跃。 同时配备恒电流仪,允许四电极体系,用于液/液界面的电化学测量

Battery Work Station

该电池测试系统是针对锂离子、钠离子、镍氢、镍镉、超级电容器等电池或电化学器件的通用性测试设备。 设备每一个通道分别具有独立的恒压源和恒流源,且恒压源、恒流源分别可以任意编程控制, 可实现不同电池和电化学器件的恒流、恒压以及不同倍率的充放电测试