Princeton Instruments HRS-300 Optical system
For detection of non-linear optical and fluorescence signals,
Capable of fs time resolution detection using single-photon counting technology.
Focus:300 mm; Detection range:400~1700 nm; Gratings:100 g/mm; 300 g/mm; 1200 g/mm; Quantum yield:>85%(400~1700 nm); Temporal resolution:~10 ps
JEOL GrandARM 300
Double Cs-correction (TEM and STEM) with 6 mm pole piece.
Powerful Detectors: JEOL DPC detector, JEOL double EDS detector, JEOL STEM detector, Gatan K2-IS, Gatan OneView-IS, Gatan GIF Quantum, Gatan Vulcan CL system, Gatan STEMx system for 4D-STEM
STEM HAADF: 63pm@300 kV, 105pm@200 kV, 136pm@80 kV
TEM: 0.08nm@300 kV, 0.09nm@200kV, 0.13nm@80kV
EELS: ≤0.35eV (300kV);≤0.32ev(80kV)
EDS: AccV=300kV、CPS= 5,000cps(133ev(Mn Kα))
Special Functions:
STEM ABF, STEM-EELS/EDS/CL mapping, ultrafast framerate (K2-IS), 4D-STEM, and homemade in situ holders (optical, electrical, thermal, force and liquid cells, etc.)